International Symposium on the Effects
of the East Japan Great Earthquake on Animals
DATE :Aug. 24th 10:00~17:00
25th 9:30~16:45
Starting time on 8/25 has changed from what
was originally announced.
Place :Tokyo International Forum Hall D5
Access click here
Registration Fee
Co-Hosted By
: Humane Society International
The Japanese Coalition for Animal Welfare
Supported By
Japan Veterinary Medical Association
Tokyo Veterinary Medical Association
Contact :+81-42-623-8797 (TEL&FAX)
1917-36-201 Yotsuya-cho Hachioji-city,Tokyo
: SORRY. The Seats are FULL, and those registering beyond this point
will be put on a waiting list for cancellation.
Participants of the symposium must be responsible for procuring transportation to/from the venue, accomodations, and meals during the symposium